Payment Information:
Q: Are there any hidden fees?
A: No, the only fee charged is a registration fee, which covers their flashcards and other basic supplies.
Q: When is payment due?
A: Payment is due the week before each month.
Q: Can I get refunds or make-up credits for unused lessons.
A: Yes, I will give credits for certain reasons, such as sickness, vacations, or family emergencies.
Q: What is your cancellation policy?
A: To be issued a make-up credit, I need to know you will not attend by noon the day of the lesson.
Lesson info:
Q: I already have some books, do I have to buy new ones?
A: No, as long as the books are on your current level, I will work with them, but I try to use certain books for all students.
Q: Is there any form of commitment to the lessons?
A: No, you can quit at any time, but you cannot get refunds for lessons not used.
Q: What ages do you teach?
A: I teach ages 3 and up.
Q: What is the best age to start piano?
A: Personally, I believe the best age is about 6-7 years old, but this all depends on the child and the parent's commitment.
Q: What is Wunderkeys?
A: Wunderkeys is a specially designed program meant to teach ages 3-5.
Q: Where are lessons given?
A: They are given at my home.
Q: If lessons are at your house, can I bring my other children with me?
A: I understand that you have other children, and they are welcome as long as they are not a distraction to the student. I have a table set up with activities specifically for these younger kids.
Q: Do you put on recitals and other public events?
A: Yes, I try to have a recital at least once a year, and students are encouraged to play wherever they get a chance, whether it is at a church, nursing home, or a school talent show.