Hello, and welcome to my website! Feel free to contact me with any questions or sign up online and I will get with you ASAP about scheduling.
So why should you choose me?
1. I'm affordable. My prices are very competitive compared to other teachers in the area. Every child deserves to learn to play an instrument, regardless of any financial issues.
2. I'm flexible. I take classes online, so my days are fairly open. Contact me for availability and hours, and hopefully we can find a good time for both of us. After school slots are always filling, so don't hesitate to schedule!
3. I'm younger. Most children respond better to me than to an older person. I've worked around kids my entire life, and I absolutely love it! I have had the amazing opportunity to be able to work in the library, nursery, and pre-k class.
4. I'm experienced. I've played since I was in kindergarten, and I'm a current church pianist. I went throught the entire Bastien series, and I am actually currently learning to play the flute and violin.
5. Lessons are at your own pace, there's no rush to keep up with anyone else; these are your lessons. If you can practice everyday, then you can learn more; if you have other activities and only practice 3 times a week, then we can take it slow. No child will ever be compared to another and no student should ever feel like they aren't good enough.
These are just five of the reasons I am qualified to teach you or your child piano. I'd love to hear from you if you have any questions. To register, all you have to do is click the sign-up and fill out the form and I will get back with you immediately. If you have any questions, fill out the contact form and I will send you back an email with an answer. Thank you!
"Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" Colossians 3:23